
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hi I have not posted for a while again. I have been sick and also trying to catch up on some sewing. I am going to a new doctor to see if I can get a new hip. I have had pain now for 3 yrs and frankly Im sick of it . Its no way to live for sure. I do not want to live on Steroid shots either. So I hope my new doctor will see a new hip to be the answer or explore to see what is the problem. I saw a very nice doctor in N.ft Myers here his name was Dr. Mark Farmer. he is an orthopedic surgeon and was recommended to me.He did not feel he could do me justice so sending me to another doctor who does more hips,I believe so we shall see what next Wednesday brings. I was back on Bunny hill designs and saw a new BOM quilt designs. so here is the link .If you like primitive this will make you happy you have 10 months to grab the freebies. I did one a year a go Tisket a Tasket so cute. Actually all their designs are cute I think. I ordered on which is 25 small blocks about summer .Just a sweet pattern.Of course I have not started it yet but I have it in case is goes out of print which is sometimes the case. Just like fabric you better get it if you like it cause next time you go back it might be all gone and no more available. I got a new white leather recliner chair from the thrift store. The Habitat for Humanity store here. Its petite and small I just love it. I'm glad my husband went there with me and his salesman expertise helped me to get it almost half of what they were asking for it .It was one of 2 chairs. this one was in better shape .It has a small tear in the bottom of the foot rest. There was a rust stain on the side a long streak. well anyway ......they started out at 75.00 and Gene got them down to 45.00.It's a Barca lounger!!. They are very expensive new. I knew unless we won the lotto I was not going to get one of these honeys anytime soon. They start out around $900.00-2,000.00 I believe. the best feature its made for a woman this one anyway.It's small and the back is one straight piece not hills and valleys like most recliners.That just sets my Fibromyalgia in my back off big time. It has a little pillow that you can add to the back of your head also. so here is a picture of it.You cant even buy one in Florida from what I researched on the internet. I do not think they knew what an expensive chair they had or they would have put a higher price to begin with. Here are some other pictures. We put down a laminate floor .Its a high end flooring and looks like real wood. I just love it !!! we put it in the living room the dining room and the kitchen.My husband Gene is real handy and does a great job when ever he does anything. we also got a new entertainment center also from the aids thrift shop.we just happened to walk in when they were unloading it. Its 3 pieces with 2 lighted cabinets with glass shelves and all wood not pressed board. it has storage underneath.It looks brand new and we picked that up for 200.00 because we bought it and they didn't have to find a place for it and took it that day. So we have found some very nice pieces for very reasonable prices. I am working on my "Shoreline blvd" wall hanging doing free motion quilting. I am using an iridescent thread. This is my first try at this going pretty well. I have new gloves to use also they look like gardening gloves and really help grip the fabric.They are called "GrabAroo's" and they cost $10.25.I also am using a Teflon piece on my sewing machine bed called a free motion slider.It is from Pat LaPierre. I was lucky enough to learn free motion quilting from her.She was coming back from being a snowbird and my Elkhart,In quilt guild decided to have her teach a class on her way to Michigan. She did a great job and all that I know is because of her. Her website is invented this product and I think it helps also. I will post a picture of my baby quilt and wall hanging when I get them done. We were blessed with a new granddaughter named Addison on January 4th. We have not seen her because we are still in Florida and she lives just north of Elkhart,In.

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