
Monday, August 22, 2011

tatting & " Darned cute bag"

I found a site on Tatting .I can do this craft, but not very well. I have not practiced for some time. I saw a lady doing a a demo of needle tatting at the Goshen fair a few weeks ago   I think I will try to do this a new way seems easy enough.  Here is a blog that is a tatting blog . check it out if you are interested in this sort of thing.
I have been working on a piecing project. It's called "Darn Cute Bag".  It is a Bunny Hill Design .It is made with charm squares. I had started it a few yrs ago. I had  it all ready to go , but had several projects and baby things to do before I felt I could start this. I liked it so much I even got the same charm squares to make it with. I have the back and front all pieced. It  is looking good to me.  It was time consuming . I needed to add a few more fabrics than it called for . Hmm not quite enough fabric but had a lot to match this color pattern. I plan on entering it in the fair next year so I am not going to use it till after the fair  ,since it is all pastels. Im sure I would have it messed up somehow.UGH!!! Here is how much I have gotten done so far


 Darned cute bag from Bunny hill designs
 charm squares     do you like the stripe fabric? using that for the sashing
 here is the fabric panel made up from 48 squares
here is the front and back done ready to sew together

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